The Umalis Group has made history as the first French company in the freelancing industry to be listed on the stock exchange. This achievement highlights the growth and potential of the French freelancing market, establishing Umalis Group as a pioneer in the industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • Umalis Group is the first French company in the freelancing industry to be listed on the stock exchange.
  • This milestone showcases the growth and potential of the French freelancing market.
  • The listing positions Umalis Group as a pioneer in the industry, shaping the future of freelancing in France.
  • French freelancers now have access to new opportunities and resources through the listed Umalis Group.
  • The recognition of Umalis Group’s achievement highlights the increasing importance of the freelance economy in France.

Section 2: The Growth of the Freelancing Economy in France

In recent years, the freelancing economy in France has experienced remarkable growth, positioning the country as a thriving hub for independent professionals. With an estimated 3.2 million individuals working as full- or part-time freelancers, France accounts for about 10% of the 33 million freelancers in the European Union (source). This surge in freelancing can be attributed to various factors and has had a significant impact on the country’s workforce.

One of the key drivers of freelance growth in France is the expansion of the workforce due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As companies faced economic uncertainties, many turned to freelancers as a flexible and cost-effective solution. Additionally, the adoption of remote work solutions has made it easier than ever for professionals to work independently, opening up opportunities for freelancers to collaborate with clients worldwide.

« The French freelance market has been growing steadily in recent years, with a significant boost seen during the pandemic. The availability of technology platforms has made it easier for freelancers to find clients and secure projects, while the flexibility and advantages of freelancing have attracted more professionals to choose this career path, » says Jean Dupont, CEO of a leading French freelancing platform.

Industry Number of Freelancers
Tech 1.2 million
Marketing 800,000
Design 500,000

« The average daily rate for tech freelancers in France is above 500 euros per day, making it an attractive option for professionals in the industry, »

states a report by the National Institute of Economic Statistics and Studies.

The freelance growth in France has also been supported by the flexibility and advantages offered by this career choice. Freelancers have the freedom to choose their projects, rates, and clients. They can work from anywhere, allowing for a better work-life balance. Additionally, freelancers have the potential to earn higher incomes compared to traditional employment, especially in high-demand fields.

Section 3: Perspectives from French CEOs on the Freelance Revolution

French CEOs and industry thought leaders have expressed their optimistic views on the freelance economy in France, recognizing its potential to reshape the labor market and provide new opportunities for professionals. The freelance revolution has gained momentum in recent years, with freelancers being seen as a legitimate alternative to traditional agencies and service companies.

Perspectives on the Value of Freelancers

French CEOs value the flexibility and agility that freelancers bring to projects, particularly in uncertain contexts. They see freelancers as a valuable resource, capable of delivering high-quality work and contributing to the growth of the economy. The ability to tap into a pool of specialized talent for specific projects is a major advantage that freelancers offer.

« Freelancers bring a fresh perspective and a diverse skill set to our projects. They allow us to quickly adapt to market demands and scale our operations efficiently. » – CEO of a French tech startup

Government Support and Industry Recovery

French CEOs also appreciate the role of the government in facilitating freelancing and supporting industry recovery. Measures such as simplified administrative procedures and financial support for freelancers have made it easier for them to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic. These initiatives have given freelancers the confidence and stability necessary to thrive in the evolving work landscape.

Positive Outlook on the Future

The overall sentiment among French CEOs and thought leaders is one of optimism for the future of the freelance economy in France. They believe that freelancers will continue to play a vital role in shaping the labor market, with their expertise and adaptability being highly sought after. The freelance revolution is expected to bring about positive changes in the way business is conducted and create more opportunities for both freelancers and businesses alike.


Disrupting the Umbrella Company Industry in France

The umbrella company industry in France is undergoing a significant disruption with the emergence of innovative companies like Jump. Jump, a French startup, is offering a cheaper and more automated alternative to traditional freelancing jobs, providing freelancers with enhanced flexibility and control over their work. Unlike legacy umbrella companies, Jump operates on a subscription model, offering freelancers a flat fee instead of taking a percentage of their revenue. This transparent pricing structure allows freelancers to accurately budget their expenses and maximize their earnings.

Jump’s user-friendly platform also streamlines administrative tasks for freelancers. With just a few clicks, freelancers can create an account, send invoices, and manage their finances effortlessly. The automation provided by Jump not only saves time but also reduces the administrative burden for freelancers, allowing them to focus more on their actual work. Additionally, Jump offers a range of additional services such as professional and personal insurance, health insurance, and access to freelance marketplaces, further enhancing the value proposition for freelancers.

One of the key advantages of Jump is its ability to provide stability and benefits typically associated with full-time contracts. Freelancers working through Jump are registered with the national healthcare system, ensuring access to healthcare services and saving for retirement. Furthermore, if freelancers encounter difficulties with their clients, they can request termination of the contract and become eligible for unemployment benefits. These benefits not only provide financial security but also contribute to the overall well-being of freelancers.

With its innovative approach and commitment to empowering freelancers, Jump is reshaping the umbrella company industry in France. By offering affordable, automated, and flexible solutions, Jump is enabling freelancers to thrive in the ever-evolving gig economy. With a growing number of freelancers recognizing the advantages of alternative employment models, companies like Jump are well-positioned to capitalize on the market opportunity and contribute to the continued growth of the freelance revolution in France.


Funding and Success of Jump

Investors Funding Amount
Index Ventures $4.5 million (€4 million)
Kima Ventures
Angel Investors
Total $4.5 million (€4 million)

 The Market Opportunity for Umbrella Companies

In the evolving landscape of freelancing in France, umbrella companies present a unique market opportunity, particularly for individuals working with foreign companies or those who prefer the stability and benefits of a regular French permanent contract. By bridging the gap between freelancers and their clients, umbrella companies like Jump offer a compelling alternative to traditional employment models.

One key advantage of umbrella companies is the flexibility they provide to freelancers. With the option to work with multiple clients and negotiate contracts directly, freelancers can maintain a diverse portfolio while enjoying the advantages of a regular employment agreement. This flexibility appeals to a wide range of professionals, from developers and designers to real estate agents and drivers.


Furthermore, umbrella companies offer freelancers the stability and benefits that are typically associated with full-time employment. By being registered with the national healthcare system, freelancers have access to necessary medical services and can contribute to their retirement savings. In the event of difficulties with clients, freelancers working through umbrella companies can request termination of contracts and become eligible for unemployment benefits, providing an additional layer of financial security.

To illustrate the market opportunity presented by umbrella companies, consider the following table that showcases the advantages they offer:

Advantages of Umbrella Companies Traditional Freelancing Umbrella Companies
Access to national healthcare system
Saving for retirement
Eligibility for unemployment benefits
Flexible client portfolio

As shown in the table, umbrella companies offer a range of benefits that traditional freelancing may not provide. These advantages, coupled with the increasing acceptance and integration of freelancers into the French labor market, highlight the significant market opportunity for umbrella companies in France.

The Future of Freelancing in France

The freelance revolution in France is gaining momentum, with the growth forecast for the freelance economy remaining optimistic. As the future of work continues to evolve, freelancing has become an attractive career option for many professionals in France. With its flexibility and opportunities for growth, the freelance market is projected to expand by 15% in the coming year.

One of the key drivers of freelancing’s growth in France is the increasing acceptance and integration of freelancers into the total workforce strategy of businesses. Companies are recognizing the value that freelancers bring, allowing them to tap into specialized skills on-demand. This trend is expected to continue, creating more opportunities for freelancers across various industries.

Additionally, the changing dynamics of the labor market, driven by advancements in digital technology and the COVID-19 pandemic, have also contributed to the rise of freelancing in France. Remote work has become more prevalent, and freelancers are well-positioned to take advantage of this shift. They can work from anywhere, collaborate with global clients, and enjoy the benefits of a flexible lifestyle.

The future of freelancing in France looks promising, with a growing number of professionals choosing this path and businesses recognizing the value that freelancers bring. As the freelance revolution continues to reshape the labor market, it presents new opportunities and challenges for both freelancers and businesses alike. With the right support and infrastructure in place, freelancing in France is poised to thrive in the years to come.

Key Takeaways:

  • The freelance economy in France is projected to grow by 15% in the coming year.
  • Companies are increasingly integrating freelancers into their workforce strategy, recognizing the value they bring.
  • Advancements in digital technology and the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated the growth of freelancing.
  • Freelancers in France can enjoy the benefits of remote work and a flexible lifestyle.
  • The future of freelancing in France looks promising, presenting new opportunities and challenges for professionals and businesse
Year Growth Forecast
2022 15%
2023 12%
2024 10%


The listing of Umalis Group on the stock exchange is a significant achievement for the French freelancing industry, highlighting its growth and potential. With its pioneering status, Umalis Group has set the stage for the future of the industry, showcasing the opportunities that lie ahead. The perspectives of French CEOs and thought leaders further reinforce the positive outlook for the freelance economy in France.

Companies like Jump are disrupting the umbrella company industry, offering an alternative that is both cost-effective and automated. Jump’s innovative approach caters to the needs of freelancers in various industries, providing stability and benefits typically associated with full-time contracts. The success of Jump’s recent funding round indicates the market opportunity and investor confidence in umbrella companies in France.

Despite potential challenges, the future of freelancing in France remains optimistic. With projected growth and increasing acceptance of freelancers by businesses, the demand for freelance services is expected to continue rising. The French freelancing industry, led by companies like Umalis Group and innovative startups like Jump, is poised to reshape the labor market and create new opportunities for professionals across various sectors.


What is Umalis Group’s achievement in the freelancing industry?

Umalis Group has gained recognition as the premier French company in the freelancing industry to be listed on the stock exchange.

What is the growth of the freelancing economy in France?

France has witnessed significant growth in its freelancing economy, with an estimated 3.2 million professionals working as full- or part-time freelancers, accounting for 10% of the EU’s 33 million freelancers.

What are the perspectives from French CEOs on the freelance revolution?

French CEOs believe that freelancers are a legitimate alternative to agencies and service companies, and the demand for freelance services will continue to grow.

How is Jump disrupting the umbrella company industry in France?

Jump aims to disrupt the umbrella company industry in France by offering a cheaper and more automated alternative to traditional freelancing jobs.

What are the benefits of Jump for freelancers in France?

Freelancers working through Jump have the advantage of being registered with the national healthcare system, saving for retirement, and becoming eligible for unemployment benefits if they encounter difficulties with their clients.

How has Jump been funded and supported?

Jump has successfully raised a $4.5 million (€4 million) seed round led by Index Ventures, with participation from Kima Ventures and 16 angel investors.

What is the market opportunity for umbrella companies in France?

Umbrella companies like Jump provide a market opportunity, especially for freelancers working remotely for foreign companies that do not want to establish a subsidiary in France.

What is the optimism for the future of freelancing in France?

Despite potential challenges, there remains a strong sense of optimism for the future of freelancing in France, with projections of 15% growth in the coming year.

What is the significance of Umalis Group’s listing on the stock exchange?

Umalis Group’s listing on the stock exchange marks a significant milestone for the French freelancing industry, highlighting its growth and potential.